Sr no. | Name and Rank | Email adress and ph no. | NRC no. | Education | Photo |
1 | Dr Mee Mee Myint Shein Professor, Head of Department | 09795541562 09429501344 | 12/Ka Ta Ta (N) 010906 | PhD (Pharmacognosy) | ![]() |
2 | Dr Nyo Nyo Thaung Professor | 09256077217 | 12/Ma Ya Ka (N) 084891 | PhD (Physiology) | ![]() |
3 | Dr Sanda Myint Associate Professor | 09790642710 | 12/Ya KaNa (N) 048956 | PhD (Pharmacognosy) | ![]() |
4 | Dr Lwin Mar Saing Associate Professor | 09443577736 09976239167 | 12/U Ka Ta (N) 026455 | PhD (Taxonomy) | ![]() |
5 | Dr Ngwe Soe Associate Professor | 095186775 | 7/Pa Ka Na (N) 112666 | PhD (Environmental Science) | ![]() |
6 | Dr Tin New Ni Associate Professor | 09450037547 | 10/Tha Hta Na(N)002928 | PhD (Wood Structures and) | ![]() |
7 | Daw Myint Myint Khaing Lecturer | 09423664343 | 7/Ya Ta Na (N) 015121 | MSc (Tissue Culture) | ![]() |
8 | Daw Aye Aye Mon Lecturer | 09448302414 | 7/Pa Ma Na (N) 009168 | MSc (Taxonomy) | ![]() |
9 | Daw Sandar Aung Lecturer | 09423658026 | 7/Pa Ma Na (N) 000028 | MSc (Tissue Culture) | ![]() |
10 | Daw Than Nyunt Lecturer | 09423733880 | 7/Pa Ma Na (N) 056774 | MSc (Botany) | ![]() |
11 | Dr Win Ei Zon Pyone Lecturer | 09795578422 | 7/Pa Ma Na (N) 155346 | PhD (Horticulture) | ![]() |
12 | Daw Lwin Lwin Mar Lecturer | 09770787190 | 12/Tha Ga Ka (N) 038090 | MSc (Botany) | ![]() |
13 | Dr Su Hlaing Winn Lecturer | 09254904305 | 12/Da La Na (N) 050936 | PhD (Horticulture) | ![]() |
14 | Dr Myat Kay Thwe Lwin Lecturer | 09421007873 | 12/U Ka Ta (N) 139541 | PhD (Pharmacognosy) | ![]() |
15 | Daw Aye Theint Theint Phyu Lecturer | 09761298028 | 9/Pa Ka Kha (N) 018423 | MSc (Microbiology) | ![]() |
16 | Daw Phyo Phyo Khaing Lecturer | 09402611730 | 9/Kha Ma Sa (N) 008401 | MRes (Algology) | ![]() |
17 | Dr Aye Thandar Soe Lecturer | 09420108991 | 14/Pa Tha Ya (N) 086609 | PhD (Horticulture) | ![]() |
18 | Daw Yin Yin Htay Lecturer | 09459837340 | 9/Nya U Na (N) 160020 | MSc (Botany) | ![]() |
19 | Daw Khin Mar Thi Assistant Lecturer | 09963762333 | 7/Ka Pa Ka (N) 085254 | MSc (Botany) | ![]() |
20 | Daw May May Aung Assistant Lecturer | 09444043716 | 7/Pa Ta Na (N) 103895 | MRes (Botany) | ![]() |
21 | Daw Soe Min Min Aye Assistant Lecturer | 09796996410 | 7/Pa Ma Na (N) 142447 | MRes (Botany) | ![]() |
22 | Daw Mu Mu Htay Assistant Lecturer | 09258184304 | 8/Na Ma Na (N) 144660 | MRes (Botany) | ![]() |
23 | Daw Htay Htay Win Assistant Lecturer | 09792625490 | 7/Pa Ma Na (N) 131400 | MRes (Botany) | ![]() |
24 | Daw May Aung Kyi Demonstrator | 09422543623 | 14/Ka Kha Na (N) 094504 | MRes (Botany) | ![]() |
Research Title (Department of Botany)
Sr no | Name and Rank | Title |
1 | Dr Mee Mee Myint Shein Professor, Head of Department | 1. Studies on Antitubercular Activities of Some Selected Indigenous Resource Plants in Myanmar (PhD, 2006) 2. Antimicrobial Activity of Active Constituents from Polyalthia longifolia var. Longifolia Leaves (2017, December, Vol.9, No.1, 320-330, PURJ) 3. Screening for Antituberculous Products Containing Resource Plants in Myanmar (2008, March, Vol.VI, No.4, 175-191, Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts And Science) |
2 | Dr Nyo Nyo Thaung Professor | 1. Photoperiod Sensitivity of Myanmar Pawsanhmwe Rice Varieties (PhD, 2010) 2. Photoperiod Sensitivity of Myanmar Pawsanhmwe Rice Varieties (2011, December, Vol.3, 99-108, Maubin UniversityResearch Journal) |
3 | Dr Sanda Myint Associate Professor | 1. Phytochemical Investigation of Aristolochia roxburghiana Klotzch. and Pharmacological activities of its Rhizomes (PhD, 2010) 2. Phytochemical test and antmicrobial activity of Chaenomeles japonica (Thunberg) lindlely ex. spach, Hist-Nat.Veg (2019, July, Vol.9, No.2, 356-362, Dagon University Commemoration of 25th Anniversary Silver Jubilee Research Journal) 3. Study on morphological and histological characters of Flemingia strobilifera (L.) R. Br. (Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts And Science, 2018, October, Vol.XVI, No.4, 235-246) 4. Phytochemical Test, Nutritional Values and Uses of Some Economic Species in Panglong Township (Universities Research Journal, 2018, August, Vol.10, No.5, 65-83) 5. Study of morphological characters, phytochemical constituents, physico-chemical properties of Prunus domestica Subsp. Prisca H. L. Werneck. (Panglong University Research Journal, 2017, December, Vol. 8, No.1, 248-258) 6. Morphology of Myanmar Habitant Passiflora edulis Sims and Hypoglycaemic Activities of its Leaves (Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts And Science, 2016, June, Vol.XIV, No.4, 189-210) 7. Quality Assessment on the Herbal Preparations with Ganoderma (Padauk-Hmo) (Journal of the Asia Research Centre Yangon University, 2013,Vol.3, No.2, 37-52) 8. Phytochemical Study of Aristolochia roxburghina Klotzch and its Antimicrobial Activity (Universities Research Journal, 2012, December, Vol.5, No.1, 13-24) 9. Study on the Morphological Characters and Elemental Concentrations of Ganoderma spp. Natrually Grown in Maubin Township, Ayeyawady Region (University of Yangon Research Journal, 2012, December, Vol.4, No.1, 141-149) 10.Investigation on Acute Toxicity and Antidiarrhoeal Activity of Rhizomes of Aristolochia roxburghiana Klotzch. (Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts And Science, 2011, March, Vol.IX, No.5,55-72) 11.Extraction, Isolation and Identification of the Chemical Constituents from the Rhizome of the Aristolochia roxburghina Klotzch. (Universities Research Journal, 2010, December, Vol.3, No.1, 39-54) |
4 | Dr Lwin Mar Saing Associate Professor | 1. Taxonomic Study of Members of Family Poaceae (Gramineae) in Myeik Distinct of Taninthayi Division (PhD, 2010) 2. Some Important Rosewood and Their Deforestation Status in Southern Shan State of Myanmar (Dagon University 2nd Myanmar Korea Conference Research Journal, 2019, August, Vol. 1, 166-176) 3. Indigenous Knowledge and Traditional Uses of Hsalon Tribe on Family Bambusaceae (Bamboo) in Done-Palae-Arr Island (Universities Research Journal, 2018, August, Vol.10, No.5, 47-63) 4. Significance roles of some beneficial weeds and their bridging the gap between humanity and natural environment in Panglong University Campus. (Panglong University Research Journal, 2017, December, Vol.8, No.1, 235-247) 5. Study on Different Wild Paddy (Genus Oryza L.) In Myanmar (Dagon University Research Journal, 2016, November, Vol.7, No.2, 135-149) 6. Invasive Alien Species in Panglong University Campus (Panglong University Research Journal, 2016, December, Vol.7, No.1, 106-110) 7. Study on the some C₄ Grasses for Cattle Fodder in Myanmar (Dawei University Research Journal, 2013, December, Vol.5, No.1, 11-21) 8. Study on the significantly of different characters between Genera of Dendrocalamus and Bambusa in Myanmar (Universities Research Journal, 2012, December, Vol.5, No.1, 133-147) |
5 | Dr Ngwe Soe Associate Professor | 1. Floristic Diversity Assessment and Vegetation Analysis of Salu Reserved Forest. East Bago Yoma, Bago Region (PhD, 2014) 2. Comparative Studies Of Different Globba Species In Bago Yoma And Rakhine State (2nd Myanmar-Korea Conference Research Journal, 2019, August, Vol.1, 272-282) 3. Plant species Diversity in Salu Reserved Forest, East Bago Yoma, Bago Township (Bago University Research Journal, 2016, December, Vol.6, No.1, 213-224) 4. A Study of Selected Timber trees of Mon-su Village in Bago Township (Bago Degree Collage Research Journal, 2010, December, Vol.2, No.1, 64-70) |
6 | Dr Tin New Ni Associate Professor | 1. Investigation on Morphological, Anatomical Characters, Physical and Mechanical properties of Tectona grandis L.f.(Teak)form Ten Different Localities in Myanmar (PhD, 2010) 2. Floristics Survey of Fems from in University of Yangon Campus (University of Yangon Research Journal, 2018, Vol.8, 191-201) 3. Uses of Fagraea fragrans Roxb. (Anan) Wood and Antimicrobial Activity of Its Leaves (University of Yangon Research Journal, 2015, December, Vol.6, 21-28) 4. Investigation on Morphological and anatomical characteristics of selected woods of lesser (Sittway University Research Journal, 2012, December, Vol.4, No.1, 123-130) 5. Investigation of Anatomical characteristics of Tectona grandis Linn.f. (Teak) from Kayin State, Kachin State and Ayeyarwaddy Region in Myanmar (University of Yangon Research Journal, 2012, December, Vol.4, No.1, 169-177) 6. Some Mechanical Properties of Tectona grandis Linn.f. (Teak) from Ten Different Localities In Myanmar (Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts And Science, 2011, March, Vol.IX, No.5, 29-39) 7. Investigation on Anatomical Characteristics of Teak (Tectona grandis Linn.f.) from Five Different Localities in Myanmar (Universities Research Journal, 2010, December, Vol.3, No.1, 55-70) 8. Some Physical Propeties of Teak(Tectona grandis Linn.f.) from Ten Different Localities in Myanmar (University of Yangon, Research Journal, 2009, December, Vol.1, No.2, 198-206) |
7 | Daw Myint Myint Khaing Lecturer | 1. Effects of Growth Factors,Hormones and Coconut water on Clonal Propagation of Citrus medica L. (Citron) (MSc, 1997) 2. Palynological Study on Some Plants from Shwe-nat-taung Flora in Shwedaung Township (Pyay University Research Journal, 2018, December, Vol.10, No.1, 255-263) 3. Study on Morphological Characters and Identification of Capsicum spp. (Pyay University Research Journal, 2017, December, Vol.9, No.1, 368-379) |
8 | Daw Aye Aye Mon Lecturer | 1. Polypetalous Flora of People's Park (MSc, 1998) 2. Palynological Study on Some Plants from Shwe-nat-taung Flora in Shwedaung Township (Pyay University Research Journal, 2018, December, Vol.10, No.1, 255-263) 3. Morphology and Wood Anatomy of Ficus hispida L. (Pyay University Research Journal, 2017, December, Vol.9, No.1, 400-406 |
9 | Daw Sandar Aung Lecturer | 1. Effects of Growth Factors,Hormones and Coconut water on Clonal Propagation of Citrus aurantifolia (Christman) Swingle (MSc, 1997) 2. Morphological and Phytochemical Investigations on the Leaves of Cassia Senna L. (Pyay University Research Journal, 2017, December, Vol.9, No.1, 380-385) 3. Effects of Various Vitamins on Clonal Propagation of Lime Citrus aurantifolia (Christman) Swingle (Universities Research Journal, 2010, December, Vol.3, No.1, 241-253) |
10 | Daw Than Nyunt Lecturer | 1. Preliminary Studies on The Medicinal Plants of Naik-Bein-Da Area (MSc, 2003) |
11 | Dr Win Ei Zon Pyone Lecturer | 1. Correlations of Effects of Effective Microorganisms on Yield and Yield Components of Oriza sativa L. in Field Experiment (PhD, 2018) 2. The Effectiveness of Foliar Application of Effective Microorganisms (EM) on Rice Growth as Compared to Soil Application of Bokashi in Wet Season (Pyay University Research Journal, 2016, December, Vol.8, No.1, 199-208) |
12 | Daw Lwin Lwin Mar Lecturer | 1. Morphology, Taxolomy and Nutritive Value of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Linn.D.C (MSc, 2004) 2. Study on Above and Belowground Biomass and Carbon Stocks of Compartment No.80, 81 and 82 in Kha Paung Reserved Forest, Oaktwin Township, Bago Region (Bago University Research Journal, 2019, July, Vol.9, No.1, 251-259) 3. Study on Morphogical Chracters and Medicinal Uses of Some Species of Euphorbiaceae (Pyay University Research Journal, 2013, December, Vol.5, No.1,99-106) 4. Study on Morphological and Medicinal Uses of Some Species Grown in Nyaungkone Village (Pyay University Research Journal, 2012, December, Vol.4, No.1, 87-98) |
13 | Dr Su Hlaing Winn Lecturer | 1. Effect of Organic Fertilizers and Photoperiod on Growth and Yield of Vigna radiata (L .) Wilczek (PhD, 2019) 2. Combination Effect of Photoperiod and EM-Bokashi on Growth and Yield of Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek (Padi-Shwe-Wa) (West Yangon University Research Journal, 2019, June, Vol.7 No.2, 139-151) 3. Effects of EM-bokashi and vermicompost on growth and yield of Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek (Padi-shwe-wa) (West Yangon University Research Journal, 2018, June, Vol.6, No.1, 168-182) |
14 | Dr Myat Kay Thwe Lwin Lecturer | 1. Phytochemical Investigation of Litsea polyantha Juss. for the preparation of antidandruff shampoo (PhD, 2010) 2. Study on Botanical Characters and Preliminary Chemical Composition of Dandelion Leaves Taraxacum officinale F.H, Wigg. (2nd Myanmar-Korea Conference Research Journal, 2019, August, Vol.1, 250-260) 3. Leaves of Litsea polyantha Juss and It's Antidandruff Activity (Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts And Science, 2014, March, Vol. XII, No.5, 89-103) |
15 | Daw Aye Theint Theint Phyu Lecturer | 1. Algal Species and Water Analysis of Taungthaman Lake (MSc, 2011) 2. Analysis of Algal flora and Water Quality of Taungthaman Lake, Mandalay Regigon, Myanmar (The Third Myanmar-Japan International Symposium (2016) Research Papers, 2017, February, Vol.1, No.7, 17-33) 3. Algal Species and Water Analysis of Taungthaman Lake (Yadanabon University Research Journal, 2016, February, Vol.6, No.1, 235-247) |
16 | Daw Phyo Phyo Khaing Lecturer | 1. Algal flora and water quality of Mandalay Moat (MRes, 2012) 2. Study of Fresh Water Algae from Mandalay Moat, Aung Myae Thar Zan Township (Universities Research Journal, 2017, August, Vol.9, No.2, 239-247) |
17 | Dr Aye Thandar Soe Lecturer | 1. INTEGRATED EFFECTS OF CHEMICALS AND ETHEPHON ON FLOWERING YIELD AND FRUIT QUALITY OF ANANAS COMOSUS (L.) MER (PhD, 2012) 2. Comparison of Ethephon and Calcium Carbide on Flowers, Yield and Fruit Quality of Pineapple (Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts And Science, 2013, March, Vol.XI, No.5, 92-107) |
18 | Daw Yin Yin Htay Lecturer | 1. Study on the Morphological and Phytochemical Studies of Some Medicinal Plants in Myingyan Township (Myingyan Degree College Research Journal, 2019, August, Vol.10, No.2, 361-372) 2. Study on Toddy Palm(Borassus flabellifer L.) culture in Central Myanmar (Myingyan Degree College Research Journal, 2019, August, Vol.10, No.2, 311-317) |
19 | Daw Khin Mar Thi Assistant Lecturer | 1. Morphological and phytochemical studies on the leaves of Ruellia tuberosa L. ( MSc., 2012, Pyay University ) |
20 | Daw May May Aung Assistant Lecturer | 1. The Effect of Chicken Manure on Growth and Yield of Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.(Roselle) and Extraction of Anthocyanin Pigment from Its Calyces (MRes, 2015) |
21 | Daw Soe Min Min Aye Assistant Lecturer | 1. EFFECT OF WATER HYACINTH COMPOST ON VEGETATIVE GROWTH AND YIELD OF HIBISCUS ESCULENTUS L. (MRes, 2016) 2. Comparison between Organic Composts with and without EM on Optimum C/N Ratio (Pyay University Research Journal, 2018, December, Vol.10, No.1, 264-274) 3. Effect of Water Hyancinth Compost on the Vegetative Growth and Yield of Vigna Radiata L. (Pe-Di-Sein) (Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts And Science, 2019, August, Vol.XVII, No.4, 411-431) |
22 | Daw Mu Mu Htay Assistant Lecturer | 1. Phytochemical Studies And Antimicrobial Activities on Stem of Cissus quadrangularis L. (MRes, 2016) |
23 | Daw Htay Htay Win Assistant Lecturer | 1. Phytochemical Studies And Antimicrobial Activities on leaves of Barringtonia acutangula (L.) (MRes, 2016) 2. Morphological Characters and Anatomy of Leaves of Dawae-hmaing (Pyay University Research Journal, 2018, December, Vol.10, No.1, 250-254) |
24 | Daw May Aung Kyi Demonstrator | 1. Botanical And Phytochemical Studies of Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels Leaves. (MRes, 2017) |