Srno Name & Rank Email address & Phno NRC no Education Background DOB Photo
1 Dr Myint Myint Than
Head of Department
Ph:09-785406825 12/kamaya (N) 041967 PhD(Physical Chemistry) 8-8-1963 
2 DrSanSanMyint,
Associate Professor 7/yatana(N) 027879 PhD(Analytical Chemistry) 13-5-1969 
3 Dr. Mon Mon Thu
(Associate Professor)
09-450061674 12/Tha Ga Ka(N) 001508 PhD(Organic Chemistry) 26-2-1970 
4 DrMyat MoeSwe
Associate Professor 095051164 7/yatana(N)005472 PhD(Analytical Chemistry) 17-7-1969 
5 DrSwe Swe Win
Associate Professor
095312230 7/PaMaNa(N) 088180 PhD(Organic Chemistry) 13-6-1967 
6 Daw Cho Nwe Aye
Lecturer 09-423731772 7/Pa Ma Na (N)106580 MSc(Organic Chemistry) 11-1-1961 
7 Daw Myat Mon Aye
Ph:09-254236293 7/pamana(N)032447 MSc(Organic Chemistry)
MRes(Organic Chemistry) 7-2-1971 
8 Daw Khin Than Myint
Ph:09-43139246 12/yakana(N)009423 MSc(Inorganic chemistry) 19-3-1963 
9 Dr May Khin Htun
Lecturer Ph-09423744266 12/katata(N)025117 PhD (Analytical Chemistry)
10 Daw Khin Thida Myint
Lecturer Ph-095070132 12/magata(N)021182 MSc (Physical Chemistry) 17-5-1974 
11 Dr Sandar Kyin
Ph:095211706 9/pamana(N) 027938 PhD(Organic Chemistry ) 22-12-1970 
12 Daw Myat Kay Thi
Ph:09-43008670 7/zakana(N) 030802 MSc(Analytical Chemistry) 7-11-1972 
13 Daw Aye Aye Khaing
09-778996417 7/Pa Ma Na (N) 103845 M.Sc(Engineering Chemistry) 4-8-1970 
14 Dr.Hla Hla Nyo
09-43031070 12/Tha Ga Ka (N) 029202 PhD (Analytical Chemistry) 13-1-1971 
15 Dr Hmwe Nantthar
Ph:09-421102567 8/pafana(N)007879 PhD (Physical Chemistry) 13-1-1972 
16 Dr Yu Yu San
Ph:09-43006950 8/MaTha Na (N)060684 PhD (Analytical Chemistry) 22-11-1972 
17 Dr Aye Aye San
Ph:09-421122397 8/MaTa Na (N)001211 PhD (Analytical Chemistry) 4-3-1976 
18 U Naing Myint Soe
Lecturer 09-423684348 7/PaMaNa(N)113419 M.Sc(Nuclear Chemistry) 27-7-1975 
19 Dr.Myat Thiri Kyaw
09-775674749 12/Ya Ka Na (N) 069255 PhD (Analytical Chemistry) 16-8-1984 
20 Dr Theint Theint San
Lecturer Ph-0953 76572 7/pamana(N)129566 PhD (organic Chemistry)
21 Daw Tin Moe Khaing
Assistant Lecturer 09 -675757409 7/Ahphana(N)001332 M.Sc(Organic Chemistry) 10-8-1978 
22 Dr.Yu Yu Aye
(Assistant Lecturer)
09-5312451 7/PaMaNa(N)109677 Ph.D(Organic Chemistry) 5-4-1978 
23 Dr.Tinzar Aye
(Assistant Lecturer)
09-449003803 7/PaMaNa(N)162565 Ph.D(Physical Chemistry) 31-3-1989 
24 Daw Ei Cherry
(Assistant Lecturer)
09-43198581 7/PaMaNa(N)145468 M.Sc(Biochemistry)
M.Res(Biochemistry) 13-3-1989 
25 Daw Zin Mar Win
Assistant Lecturer
09-452336012 7/KaPaKa(N)091347 M.Sc(Organic Chemistry)
M.Res(Physical Chemistry) 14-5-1991 
26 Daw Swe Zin Hlaing
Assistant Lecturer
09-423713601 7/PaMaNa(N)156322 M.Sc(Analytical Chemistry)
B.Ed(Chemistry) 17-3-1992 
27 Daw Yin Nwe San
Demonstrator Ph-09253434681 8/kamana(N)188484 MSc (Organic Chemistry) 22-12-1993 
28 Daw Myint Myint Swe Ph-09454455079 8/kamana(N)053765 MSc (Analytical Chemistry) 23-10-1986 
Research Title (Department of Chemistry, Pyay University)
Srno | Name & Rank | Research Title |
1 | Dr Myint Myint Than Professor, Head of Department | 1. Some Necessary Conditions for Chemical Oscillations (MSc, 1989) 2.Syntheses, Characterization and Some Utilizations of Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids (PhD, 2005) 3.Concentration Limits for Chemical Oscillations (AU Journal of Technology, Thailand, 2001, Vol.5, No.1) 4. A Potential Model for Chemical Oscillations (AU Journal of Technology, Thailand, 2001,Vol.5, No.2) 5.An Alternative Electrode System for Monitoring Belousov-Zhabotinsky Chemical Oscillations (AU Journal of Technology, Thailand, 2002,Vol.5, No.3) 6.Study on Reactivity and Reusability of the Prepared Ionic Liquids Via Tetrafluoroborate and Hexafluorophosphate (MAAS,2005,Vol.III, No. 1, 147-161) 7.Evaluation of Phytochemical Constituents, Antimicrobial Activities and Phenolic Contents of Peel and Pulp of Malus domestica Borkh. (Apple) (Pyay University Research Journal, Vol.10,No1, 2018) 8.Study on Some Physico-chemical Properties of Prepared Grape Wine (Pyay University Research Journal, Vol.10,No1, 2018) |
2 | DrSanSanMyint, Associate Professor | 1.Studies on a-Amylase from Bacillus subtilis and Inhibitory Effect of Mercury and Lead Ions (MSc,1997) 2.Isolation andCharacterization of Invertase form Saccharomyces cerevisiae of Local Toddy Juice(2003,PhD) 3. Isolation and Purification of Invertase form Saccharomyces cerevisiae of Local Toddy Juice(MAAS,2005,Vol.III, 1, 367-376) 4.Isolation, Characterization and Immobilization of Invertase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae of Toddy Juice(AUN/SEED –Net 2nd Regional Conference on Biotechnology, 2010,Biotechnology Conference , 45-52) 5.Characterization and Identification of Bacillus subtilis from Sticky Rice(Yangon Uni. Research Journal ,2012,Vol.4,No.3,231-236) 6.Changes in Quality of Brackish Water at Mouth of Yangon River (Hpa-an University Research Journal,2014,Vol.5,No.1, 1-9 ) 7.Physicochemical Properties of Some Shrimp Pastes from Dawei District,Tanintharyi Region(JETIR )2019,January, Vol.6, Issue 1,396-401 8.Neutrational and Microbiological Characteristics of Commercial Chicken Balls and Fish Balls from Hpa-an Township,Kayin StateJETIR )2019,May, Vol.6, Issue-5, 443-445 9.Changes in Quality of Brackish Water from Dawei River, Dawei District inTanintharyi RegionJETIR )2019,August-Volume 6, Issue 6,8-13 10.A Study on Chemical Constituent of Fermented Sap( Dawei University Research Journal,2018,Vol. 10, No.1,71-78) |
3 | Dr. Mon Mon Thu (Associate Professor) | 1..Extraction, Isolation and Structural Study of Lignans in Stems of Taung-Zi Byu(Phyllanthus niruri Linn.)(MSc,1998) 2. .Study on the Antidiabetic Activity and Chemical Constituents of Tinospora cordifolia Miers.(Sindommanwe) and Wedelia calendulaceae Less.(Negya-gale)(PhD,2003) |
4 | DrMyat MoeSwe Associate Professor | 1.Analysis of Mohingar Phat (MSc.1997), 2.Periodical Changes of Physicochemical properties and the Changing Patterns of Microganisms during the Fermentation of NAYWE Leaves(PhD,2008) 3.Investigation of the Antitumor Activity of Acaciaconcinna DC.(Kin-moon-gyin) Leaves(PURJ,vol.9, No.1,2017) 4. Study on Some Physico-chemical Properties of Prepared Grape Wine (PURJ, Vol.10,No.1,2018) |
5 | DrSwe Swe Win Associate Professor | 1.Isolation and Identification of Some Antibacterial Constituents from Cassia siamea Lam. (Me-za-li) (2007,MAAS) 2. Characterization of Pectin Isolated from Fruits of Ficus cunia Ham.(2018,Mandalar Degree College Journal) 3. Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Activity of the Flower of Dolichandron spathacea (L.f.)K.Schum(Ta-Kut)(2019,Mandalar Degree College Journal) 4. Isolation of Eupotariopicrin from the Plant of Eupatorium cannabinum Linn) (Be -Zat) (MSc,1998) 5. Isolation and Identification of Steroid,Terpanoid, Flavonoid and Iridoid Glycoside from Planto major Linn. (Hpa-Kyaw ywet) (MRes, 2000.) 6. Isolation and Structural Elucitadation of some Anti bacterial Compounds from Cassia siamea Linn (Me-za-li)(PhD,2006 ) |
6 | Daw Cho Nwe Aye Lecturer | 1. Studies on the Chemistry of "Ya-ga-le"( Abrus precatorius ) and "Ywe-gyi"( Adenanthera pavonina ) seeds (MSc, 1987) |
7 | Daw Myat Mon Aye Lecturer | 1. Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Vitex trifolia Linn.( Kyaungban) (MSc,2003) 2.Structure Identification of Furanocembranoid Compounds Isolated from the Stem Bark of Croton Oblongifolius Roxb.(MRes,2014) 3.Some Chemical Analyses and Determination of Antioxidant Property of Neem Leaf ( Azadirachita indica A.Juss ) ( URJ ,December, 2011 , Vol.4, No.3 ) 4. Study on the Preparation and Identification of Cellulose Acetate from Powder of Rice Straw , Teak Saw Dust and Bamboo Saw Dust (Mandalay University Research Journal , December ,2017, Vol. 8 ) 5. Determination of Optimum Method for the Preparation of Cellulose Acetate from Cellulosic Waste Teak Saw Dust Sample ( Pyay University Research Journal ,December , 2017 ,Vol.9, No.1) 6.Nutritional Composition and Preparation of Biethanol from Sweet Potato and Potato ( Universities Research Journal , August ,2017 , Vol.9,No.1 ) 7. Determination of Optimum Method for the Preparation of Cellulose Acetate from Celluloic Waste Bamboo Sample ( Mandalay University Research Journal , December , 2018 , Vol.9, No.2 ) |
8 | Daw Khin Than Myint Lecturer | 1. Studies on the preparation & properties of Some Refractory Materials (MSc,1994) |
9 | Dr May Khin Htun Lecturer | 1. Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Determination of Tyrosine for Bacillus subtilis Neutral Protease Catalyzed Reaction (MSc,2000) 2. Inhibitory Studies on Bacillus subtilis Neutral Protease with EDTA (MRes,2001) 3. Quality Assessment of Ka-ku-yan (Polynemus indicus), Nga-mote-phyu (Pampus argenteus), and Nga-mote-mei (Parastromatus niger) for Export (PhD,2005) 4. Chemical Indices of Decomposition in Ka-ku-yan (Polynemus indicus), Nga-mote-phyu (Pampus argenteus), and Nga-mote-mei (Parastromatus niger) 2005,MAAS, Vol.III,No.1 |
10 | Daw Khin Thida Myint Lecturer | 1. Study on the Physicochemical characteristics of renewable Resource(Myanmar Lacquer, Thitsi) (MSc, 2001) |
11 | Dr Sandar Kyin Lecturer | 1. α, β Epoxy sulfoxides as useful intermediates in organic synthesis. A novel synthesis of Dialkyl ketones and a synthesis of aldehyde from ketone by one carbon elongation (MSc )(2000) 2.Structural Identification of Asarone isolated from Acorus calamus Lin (Lin-ne) (MRes)(2001) 3.Structural Elucidation of a Bioactive Unknown Organic compound isolated from selected Myanmar Indigenous Medicinal plant Grevillea robusta A. Cun (Kha-daw-hmi)(PhD ) (2007) 4.Chemical Analysis and α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Effect of Bizat Leaves ( Eupatorium odoratum Linn.) ( University Research Journal, 2011, Vol.4, No.3) 5.Chemical Analysis and Qualitative Determination of Fatty Acid Composition from Plukenetia volubilis L. (Pyay University Research Journal, Vol.9, No.1, 2017) 6.Evaluation of Phytochemical Constituents, Antimicrobial Activities and Phenolic Contents of Peel and Pulp of Malus domestica Borkh. (Apple) (Pyay University Research Journal Vol.10,No1, 2018) |
12 | Daw Myat Kay Thi Lecturer | 1. Studies on the Effect of Various Nutrient Media on Bacillus Polymyxa (Part II) (MSc,2000) |
13 | Daw Aye Aye Khaing Lecturer | 1.Preparation of Tomato Ketchup (MSc,2001) |
14 | Dr.Hla Hla Nyo Lecturer | 1.Studies on Beta Glucosidase from Trichoderma Viride (MSc,2000) 2. Purification and Charaterization of Cellobiase from Almond Kernels(PhD,2009) 3.Inhibitory Effect of Beta -Glucosidase from Almond Kernels (MAAS,2012,Vol.X, No.1) |
15 | Dr Hmwe Nantthar Lecturer | 1. Periodate-Permanganate Oxidation of Terminal Methylene Group Present in Organic Compounds (MSc,2000) 2. Studies on the Biosorption Properties of Seed Powder of Strychnos Potatorum Linn. (Khaboung-Yae-Kyi) for Textile Dyes(PhD,2014) 3. Decolorization and Optimization of Strychnos Potatorum Linn. (Khaboung-Yae-Kyie) Seed Powder on Organic Dyes Such as Basic Dye (Rhodamine B) and Acidic Dye (Congo red)(Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Vol.XIII, No.1, June 2015) 4. Study on the Sorption of Lead by Strychnos Potatorum Linn. (Khaboung-Yae-Kyie) Seed Powder (Pyay University Research Journal, Vol.8, No.1, 2016) |
16 | Dr Yu Yu San Lecturer | 1. Preparation of Chillies Sauce (MSc Thesis, 2001) 2. A Study on Enzymic Properties of Protease from Some Types of Plant Seeds (PhD Thesis, 2013) 3.Characterization of Protease from Pe-gyi Seeds ( Dolichos lablab L.)(Pyay University Research Journal, Vol.5, No.1, December, 2013) 4. Preparation and Immobilization of Protease from Pesin-Ngon Seeds ( Cajanus cajans L. ) (MAAS, Vol.XII, No. 1, 135-145, March 2014) 5. Adsorption of Eco-friendly Natural Dye Extracted from Leaves of Tectona grandis L. (Teak) on Cotton ( Pyay University Research Journal, Vol.9, No.1, December, 2017) |
17 | Dr Aye Aye San Lecturer | 1. Studies on Mud from Mud Volcano Na-Gha-Pwet-Taung in Minbu Township (MSc , 2004) 2. Enzymic and kinetic Properties of Protease from Torpedo scad ( Megalaspis cordila L.)(PhD , 2013) 3.Immobilization and Application of Protease from Viscera of Torpedo scad ( Megalaspis cordila L.) (MAAS, Vol.XII, No. 1, 81-96, 2014) |
18 | U Naing Myint Soe Lecturer | 1.''Determination of manganese Content in dry cell by gamma ray''(MSc,2004) |
19 | Dr.Myat Thiri Kyaw Lecturer | 1.Spectrophotometric Determination of Sodium Ions in Blood, Water and Juice Sample(MSc,2008) 2.Synthesis of Mn 2 O 3 , Mn 3 O 4 and NiMn 2 O 4 Nanoparticles and the Application of Mn 3 O 4 Nanoparticles (PhD,2014) |
20 | Dr Theint Theint San Lecturer | 1. Study on the Parameter of Waste Water from Recycle Paper Making Industry (MSc,2011) 2. Screening of Myanmar Medicinal Plant Scadoxus multiflorus Mart. for Bioactive Compound (PhD,2016) |
21 | Daw Tin Moe Khaing Assistant Lecturer | 1.Studies on the Chemical Constituents and Antibacterial Activities of ACALYPHA INDICA LINN.(KYAUNG SE)(MSc,2007) |
22 | Dr.Yu Yu Aye (Assistant Lecturer) | 1Study on Some Content of Ipomen Aquatica Fork(Yoe Ka Zun)(MSc,2007) 2.Antimicrobial Activities and Preliminary Chemical Investigation of Eclipta Alba(L). Hassk(Kyeik-Hman)(MRes,2008) 3.Feasibility Study of Water as Hydrogen Source For Use in Internal Combustion Engines (ICE).(PhD,2012) |
23 | Dr.Tinzar Aye (Assistant Lecturer) | 1.Preparation of Cellulose Hydrogen Films From Sugar Cane Bagasse(2018) Vol XVI.No.1B(MAAS) 2.Studies on Some Physicomechanical and Antimicrobial Properties of Prepared Cellulose Hydrogel Films. (2019) Vol.XVII, No.1.A(MAAS) 3.Study on Colour Removal of Wastewater by Prepared Corn Cob Activated Carbon(MSc,2012) 4.Removal of Some Heavy Metals by Activated Carbon From Corn Cob(MRes,2014) 5.Cellulose Hydrogel Films. Prepared From Sugar Cane Bagasse for Biomedical Application.(PhD,2019) |
24 | Daw Ei Cherry (Assistant Lecturer) | 1.Extraction of Natural Dye from the Flower of Tagetes Erreta Linn.(Htet-Ta-Yar-Pyin-Thit)(MSc, 2012) 2.Evaluation of Anti-Solar Property and Isolation of Some Chemical Constituents From Flowers of Sesbania Grandiflora(L). Pers. (Pauk-Pan-Phyu)(MRes, 2013) |
25 | Daw Zin Mar Win Assistant Lecturer | 1.Determination of Antimicrobial Activities and Chemical Constituents from the Stem Bark of Oroxylum Indicum Vent.(Kyaung-sha)(MSc,2014) 2.Sorption of Toxic Heavy Metal Ions by Activated Carbon Prepared from Tea Waste(MRes,2015) |
26 | Daw Swe Zin Hlaing Assistant Lecturer | 1.Study On Some Characteristics of Organic Fertilizer Based on Trichoderma harzianum And Cow Dung Manure.(MSc,2015) |
27 | Daw Yin Nwe San Demonstrator | 1. Chemical Investigation of Phytochemical Screening, Antimicrobial Activities And Extraction of Essential Oil from the Stem Bark of Croton oblongifolius Roxb. (MSc,2017) |
28 | Daw Myint Myint Swe | Study on the Classification of Enzyme Reaction (MSc,2010) |