Academic Qualifications
- 2012 : Ph.D (Industrial Chemistry) from University of Yangon
- 2000 : M.Sc (Industrial Chemistry) from University of Yangon
- 1994 : B.Sc (Industrial Chemistry) from University of Yangon
Professional History
- 29 .7. 1998 – Demonstrator, Department of Industrial Chemistry, University of Mandalay
- 1. 9. 2000 – Demonstrator, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Yadanabon University
- 1. 10. 2002 – Demonstrator, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Dagon University
- 1. 12. 2006 – Assistant Lecturer, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Dagon University
- 1. 12. 2011 – Lecturer, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Dagon University
- 28. 3. 2013 – Lecturer, Department of Industrial Chemistry, University of Yangon
- 1. 9. 2015 – Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Chemistry, Yadanabon University
- 1. 12. 2016 – Professor, Department of Industrial Chemistry, University of Mandalay
- 21. 6. 2018 – Pro-rector, Pyay University
Experiences and other Responsibilities
- Has experience supervising ten Ph.D and three M.Res Candidates specialized in Industrial Chemistry.
- Supervised four Candidate of M.Sc ( Defense Studies) specialized in Industrial Chemistry.
- Served as the Chief Editor of the Pyay University Research Journal Vol.9, No.1, 2017, Vol.10, No.1, 2018, Vol.11, No.1 & 2, 2019, and Vol.12, No.1 & 2, 2020.
- Co-organised and participated in the Sri-Ksetra Conference (2019) at Pyay University in (30.1.2019 – 1.12.2019) and served as the Chief Editor of the Sri – Ksetra Conference Proceedings (2019).
- Participated International Workshops and Training programs:
- Public Sector Development Program for Myanmar supported by KOICA in Korea (30.6.2013-14.7.2013).
- Social and Demographic Research Methods Training Program supported by Australia National University in Australia (16.5.2015-31.5.2015).
- Higher Education Management for Developing Countries supported by Ministry of Commerce, People’s Republic of China in China (8.9.2019-28.9.2019).
- Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2012], Effect of Particle Size of Raw Materials on the Characteristics of Porcelain, Universities Research Journal, Vol.5, No.4, P-341-353.
- Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2013], A Study on the Production of Strain and Pin Types Porcelain Insulator, Dagon University Research Journal,Vol.5, P.143-153.
- Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2014], Preparation and Performance Study of Disc and Pin Porcelain Insulators, Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Vol XII, No.1, P.407-421.
- Win Thi Yein, Thwe Linn Ko [2015], An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Processed Activated Carbon on the Preparation of Standardized Fish Sauce, Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Vol XIII, No.1, P.347-361.
- Su Wai Phyo, Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2016], Utilization of Prepared Corn Husk Activated Carbon for Reduction of Sodium Chloride Content in Fish Sauce, Proceedings of the 3rd International Postgraduate Symposium on Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology, IPSFAB 2016, P. 16-26.
- Hinn Yu Lin, Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2016], Preparation and Characterization of Modified Starch from Waxy Corn, Proceedings of the 3rd International Postgraduate Symposium on Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology, IPSFAB 2016, P. 160-170.
- Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2016], Effect of Sintering Condition and Temperature on the Characteristics of Porcelain Rich in Alumina, Universities Research Journal, Vol 8, No.1, P. 305-316.
- Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Yadana Winn, Mu Mu Naing, Kay Khaing Hinn, Moe Moe Zin [2016], An Investigation on the Effectiveness of Prepared Activated Carbon from Lignocelluloses Waste (Groundnut Shell) on the Decolourization of Fish Sauce, Yadanabon University Research Journal, Vol 7, No.1, P. 317-327.
- Aye Aye Mar,Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2016], Treatment of Industrial Wastewater for Removal of Organic Micro-pollutants Using Processed Activated Carbon from Some Agricultural Wastes, Journal of the Asia Research Centre, Yangon University, Vol-5, No 1& 2,P. 173-184.
- Khin Hinn Aye, Thwe Linn Ko [2016], Utilization of Fruit Waste (Pineapple Peel ) for Vinegar Production, Yadanabon University Research Journal, Vol 7, No.1, P. 311-316.
- Zar Zar Oo, Thwe Linn Ko, Soe Soe Than [2017], Isolation of Protein and Nutrient Characteristics Analysis from Lentil, Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Symposium on Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology, IPSFAB 2017, P. 107-116.
- Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2017], Processing of Sweetened Condensed Corn Milk from Some Indigenous Corn, Mandalay University Research Journal, Vol 8, P. 483 -493.
- Su Wai Aung, Thwe Linn Ko [2017], Processing of Walnut Oil and its Utilization in Home-Made Foods, Universities Research Journal, Vol 9, No.4, P. 225-236.
- Zar Zar Oo, Thwe Linn Ko, Soe Soe Than [2017], Isolation of Protein from Defatted Lentil Flour, American Journal of Food Science and Technology, Vol 5, No-6, P. 238-244.
- Zar Zar Oo, Thwe Linn Ko, Soe Soe Than [2017], Physico-chemical Properties of Extracted Mug Bean Protein Concentrate, American Journal of Food Science and Technology, Vol 5, No-6, P. 265-269.
- Zar Zar Oo, Thwe Linn Ko, Soe Soe Than [2017], Chemical and Functional Characterizations of Chickpea Protein Concentrate, American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, Vol-38, No.2, P. 272-280.
- Zar Zar Oo, Thwe Linn Ko, Soe Soe Than [2017], Preparation and Characterization of Chickpea Protein Concentrate, International Journal of Development Research, Vol-07, Issue.12, P. 17720-17724.
- Thwe Linn Ko, Htet Thitsa Aung, , Khin Thet Ni [2017], Effectiveness of Make -Shift Ceramic Filter for Well Water Treatment, Proceedings Weekly Research Seminar, University of Mandalay, P. 19-28.
- Su Wai Phyo, Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2018], Effectiveness of Prepared Corn Husk Activated Carbon on the Abatement of Sodium Chloride Content in Fish Sauce, Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol-6 (2), P. 91-97.
- Su Wai Phyo, Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2018], Comparative Studies between the Treatment of Fish Sauce by Adsorption Mechanism and Membrane Filtration, Proceedings of International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, ICSTSD 2018, P. 98-101.
- Phyo Phyo Thwe, Thwe Linn Ko, Pansy Kyaw Hla [2018], An Investigation on the Effectiveness of Prepolymerization, Drying Agents and Protective Coating on the Characteristics of Lacquerware, Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Vol.XVI, No.1B, P. 383-404.
- Nyein Nyein Khaing, Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2018], Characterization of Calcium Sulfate from Waste Clam Shells and Its Application in Preparation of Plaster of Paris, Mandalay University Research Journal, Vol.9, No.2, P. 395-403.
- Nyein Nyein Khaing,Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2019], Utilization of Different Coagulants in Peanut Tofu Preparation, Proceedings of the Conference on 92nd Anniversary of University of Mandalay, P. 180-187.
- Sandar Aye, Thwe Linn Ko, Cho Cho Oo [2019], Processing and Characterization of Wine by Using an Underutilized Fruit Averrhoa carambola L.(Star Fruit), 2nd Myanmar- Korea Conference Research Journal Volume – 2, Vol-2, P.179-185.
- Nyein Nyein Khaing, Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2019], Characterization of Dicalcium Phosphate from Waste Clam Shell for Bone Cement and Toothpaste Formulations, Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Vol.XVI, No.1B, P. 627-643.
- Nyein Nyein Khaing, Thwe Linn Ko [2019], Processing of Sesame Oil and Its Utilization in Lip Balm, University of Mandalay Research Journal, Vol. 10, No.5, P. 330-337.
- Thu Ya Tun, Thwe Linn Ko, Aye Aye Mar [2019], Processing and Utilization of Bio-Flocculent from Dent Corn in Food Wastewater, University of Mandalay Research Journal, Vol.10, No.5, P. 346-355.
- Sandar Aye, Thwe Linn Ko, Cho Cho Oo [2020], Preparation of Brandy from Pomelo Wine and Its Physico-chemical Characteristics, 3rd Myanmar-Korea Conference Research Journal, Vol.3, No.5, P. 1802-1807.
- Swe Swe Oo, Aye Aye Mar, Thwe Linn Ko [2020], Extraction and Characterization of Stabilizer from Tamarind Seeds and Its Utilization in Pomelo Juice, University of Mandalay Research Journal, Vol.11, No.5, P. 221-230.
- Phyo Phyo Thwe, Thwe Linn Ko, Pansy Kyaw Hla [2020], Investigation on the Characterization of Thitsi for Lacquerware Processing, University of Mandalay Research Journal, Vol.11, No.5, P. 238-247.
- Zar Zar Oo, Thwe Linn Ko, Soe Soe Than [2020], Preparation of Edible Film from Mug Bean Protein, Yadanabon University Research Journal, Vol.11, No.4, P. 349-355.
- Nyein Nyein Khaing, Aye Aye Mar, Thwe Linn Ko [2020}, Processing and Characterization of Activated Carbon from Toddy Fruit Husk, University Journal of ICT in Multidisciplinary Issues on Arts & Science, Engineering, Economics and Education, Vol.1.
- Su Wai Phyo, Thwe Linn Ko, Khin Thet Ni [2020], Studies on the Quality Improvement of Fermented Fish Sauce by Treating with Adsorption Technique, Journal of the Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science, Vol. XVII, No.IC, P. 275-282.